Training Resources

In New Hampshire, the majority of military Service Members, Veterans and their family members live, work, serve, go to school, play and seek healthcare in their local communities. It is imperative that professionals across all fields as well as businesses hiring Veterans have a working understanding of military culture, the unique circumstances that can result from military service, and recommended suicide prevention strategies.

Ensuring that military veterans and their families have access to high-quality mental health care is a national priority as well as a priority in New Hampshire.  A 2014 study conducted by the RAND Corporation found that only 8% of civilian mental health providers (not contracted by VA) nation-wide meet the study’s criteria to be considered competent with military and veteran culture and their training and experience treating posttraumatic stress disorder and depression.   As a result, members of the military and veteran community often feel misunderstood and reluctant to seek support. The need exists to better inform, educate and train not only mental health providers in New Hampshire, but also professionals in the fields of other healthcare, education, human resources, family services, and other social services in order to better serve Service Members, Veterans and their families.  Military Culture Trainings are available in multiple formats to bridge that civilian-military gap.

There are many resources available in New Hampshire and nationwide to any person or business desiring to enhance military cultural competency or learn about suicide prevention strategies and best practices. 



Military Cultural Competency and Suicide Prevention Trainings Recommended by DMAVS

DMAVS and its partners collaborated to compile a list of trainings recommended for a broad audience of providers, employers, school personnel and other professionals.  Refer to the list to learn what is recommended for your role.

Military Cultural Competency Training Recommendations

NH's Online Training Portal for Military Culture and Suicide Prevention Training

This training portal was created by PsychArmor for use by service providers working with the Veteran community in New Hampshire.  The list of trainings available through this portal was curated by experts in the field and will be of interest by a wide variety of community providers across fields.  Please contact the Division of Community Based Military Programs if you have any questions about accessing or using this training portal.

LivingWorks Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

The Suicide Prevention Council Military & Veterans Committee has been able to allocate funding to pay for a limited number of community providers to participate in ASIST each year. 

LivingWorks ASIST is a two-day face-to-face workshop featuring powerful audiovisuals, discussions, and simulations.

At a LivingWorks ASIST workshop, you'll learn how to prevent suicide by recognizing signs, providing a skilled intervention, and developing a safety plan to keep someone alive. Two knowledgeable, supportive trainers will guide you through the course, ensuring your comfort and safety.

This training is provided on multiple dates throughout the year in New Hampshire. If you are interested in attending, need more info or dates, or would like to see if the SPC--Military & Veterans Committee can cover the cost of your attendance, please contact Dale Garrow. 

Dale Garrow, Dynamic Systems Technology | Contractor
Suicide Prevention Coordinator
Office: 603-227-1450


The Connect training program provided by NAMI NH is recognized as a comprehensive model for planning and implementing suicide prevention and postvention practices. The perfect complement to the individual-focused format of ASIST, Connect helps participants understand how systems work and how to collaborate across systems to create an integrated community response. The training is designed for organizations, communities, or groups that want to work more efficiently and cohesively to support the mental wellness of their members.

Connect trains professionals and community members to prevent and respond effectively to suicide across the lifespan. The public health, socio-ecological model emphasizes collaboration between service providers.  Best practice protocols are provided for each service provider discipline. The training can be provided in a variety of formats and can be customized to meet the needs of a community or organization.

Contact NAMI NH for more information.

603-225-5359 |

Star Behavioral Health Providers Training--free CEs!

SBHP is a tier-based continuing education program that is offered in select states to enhance behavioral health providers’ scope of knowledge and skills for treating military Service members, Veterans and their families with reintegration- and deployment-related concerns. With the shortage of culturally competent professionals who are trained to use evidence-based psychotherapies, SBHP program offers unique aspects:

  • Free training registration.
  • Free CEs to clinical professionals through up-to-date workshops focused on the unique needs of the military community.
  • Nationally recognized trainers who are experts in their professional fields.
  • Online searchable registry that providers can join once they have completed the first tier of training. This registry allows Service members, Veterans, and their families to find providers who are trained to work with military connected clients.
  • Promotes grassroots networking by providing training events in the local community while actively involving the state Air and Army National Guard Units. The SBHP expansion is supported by the National Guard Bureau.

SBHP partnered with the NH National Guard and the Suicide Prevention Council-Military & Veterans Committee to bring SBHP training to New Hampshire!  Tier 1 of the training is recommended for any professional in any field desiring more knowledge of military culture.  Tiers 2 and 3 are focused on topics for clinical providers.  Currently, all trainings are being provided through a virtual platform.

For more information or to register for an upcoming training, visit

Star Behavioral Health Providers Overview & Tiers


Ask the Question (ATQ)

Navigate to the Ask the Question website to find additional toolkits and resources to enhance your military cultural competence and knowledge of resources available in New Hampshire for military & veteran families.


Division of Community Based Military Programs

Contact DCBMP or the Suicide Prevention Council Military & Veterans Committee to talk about your training needs - there may be options available to meet your unique training needs with little to no cost.  

Info about the Suicide Prevention Council Military & Veterans Committee HERE.



Check out the Calendar of Events to see where trainings might be available in your area.