Justice Involved Veterans

**The Justice Involved Veterans is dissolved as of November 2023. The Veterans Tracks are continuing operation in New Hampshire.**

Six Veterans Tracks exist in New Hampshire courts today and serve to emphasize Veterans’ military values and strive to hold participants accountable for their behavior while also encouraging the individual to engage in behavioral health treatment.

What is a Veterans Track?

A Veterans Track is a “special docket” charged with hearing cases that involve veterans or service members, particularly
those diagnosed with service-related illnesses. The first Veterans’ treatment court was established in 2008 in Buffalo, New York. Today, there are close to 400 Veterans’ courts, tracks or dockets across the country. In NH, we have six.

Veterans Treatment Courts Explained Video

The Impact

Wars and military service may take a toll on our men and women in uniform. While most return home strengthened by
their service, the struggle to readjust to life outside the military is not uncommon. Mental health issues are frequently
compounded by substance misuse, family strife, unemployment, and homelessness – and far too often lead to incarceration.

Statewide Leadership & Planning

In 2013, the NH Justice Involved Veterans (JIV) was created to serve justice-involved Veterans by promoting and supporting the development of Veteran-centered programs throughout the state.

Veterans Tracks Across the State

In 2014, the 9th Circuit Court, Nashua District Division established NH’s first Veterans Track. Today, there are a total of
six Veterans Tracks that have been established in Grafton, Hillsborough and Rockingham Counties. All Veterans Tracks
emphasize veterans’ military values and strive to hold participants accountable for their behavior while also encouraging
the individual to engage in behavioral health treatment.

"The people we ran into [in the justice involved court system] were so compassionate, so respectful. They were so good to
us, it really was amazing. If you help people and give them the tools and resources, they can get better. If you help these
Veterans, they are less likely to end up in the criminal justice system. I also think it's the right thing to do. I got my
husband back. My children got their father back. We were ridiculously lucky - it was a miracle".

Military Spouse of Graduate – Nashua Veterans Track

Education, Training & Outreach

In 2015, the NH JIV organized the State’s first Veterans Track Conference, funded by the NH Department of
Health and Human Services (DHHS) and engaged 300+ attendees in support of serving justice-involved Veterans.

Success Across the State

In the last five years, over 100 Veterans have participated and/or are currently participating in the six Veterans Tracks
across the State.

Legislation & Moving Forward

The Governor and Legislature passed HB 652  in 2017, formally establishing a Veterans Track within the court system. This Act went into effect on January 1, 2018 and includes the essential 10 components of a Veterans Track.  These 10 components provide the foundation for the successful operation of a NH Veterans Track.

Justice Involved Veterans

The JIV consists of multi-disciplinary membership including Veterans, court professionals, mental health and behavioral health professionals, VA professionals, state government representatives and other Veteran advocates.   

For more information on the JIV, please contact either of the following Co-Chairs:

Jill O’Neill, BS
NH Lawyers Assistance Program
Work Cell: (603) 491-0282 

Clinical Operations
VFR HealthCare, LLC
(603) 858-8851

Veterans Behavioral Health Track Program Guides



     Additional Resources 

    Veterans Legal Justice Veterans Legal Justice

    The mission of Veterans Legal Justice (VLJ) is to ensure that Veterans and Service members in the State of New Hampshire receive the best possible legal representation at low or no cost.

    Veterans Legal Justice aims to respond to the holistic legal needs of Veterans, Service members, and their families by increasing the capacity for affordable legal services.  Veterans Legal Justice will receive your intake inquiry and in coordination with the VLJ Board of Directors will correspond with one of New Hampshire's finest lawyers in the area of law that most fits your needs.

    Call (603)397-0650 for Intake Services or visit vljnh.org for more information.