Camp Resilience - 2023 Women Veterans Retreat

Start Date: February 13, 2023
End Date: March 17, 2023
Location: Gilford, NH

2 0 2 3 W O M E N V E T E R A N S R E T R E A T

March 2 0 - 2 3
Join us for 4 days of rejuvenation and adventure in Gilford, New Hampshire!

Led and facilitated entirely by women and will include workshops focused on resiliency
and topics based on wellness through lifestyle changes. In addition, the retreat
will include fun activities adapted to your level of physical ability.
You Matter. Women Helping Women.
Lodging, meals, and activities are provided at no cost to participants.
Indoor Rock Climbing
Functional Fitness
Water Aerobics
AND, other FUN activities, such as:
Camp Resilience
Wellness & Self Care
Mindful Eating & Healthy Cooking
Group discussions
And MORE...

women veterns retreat