NH Military Leadership Team

As outlined in SB 208, the NH Military Leadership Team serves in an advisory capacity and shall provide advice and guidance to the Adjutant General regarding the delivery of services to Veterans and military Service Members in New Hampshire.

The Military Leadership Team (MLT) is an executive steering committee where key stakeholders address topics of mutual interest to serve the community of Service Members, Veterans and their families (SMVF) in New Hampshire.

Military Leadership Team--NH's Commitment to Serving Veterans (brochure) 

Military Leadership Team Bylaws


TNew Hampshire Veterans Snapshot 2023hrough analysis of the veteran landscape, the MLT informs decision makers in order to facilitate valid and accurate resource requests. The MLT seeks to build partnerships and improve services across sectors including local, state and federal government, public, private and philanthropic organizations. Its main concern is making strategic recommendations to expand the state’s workforce capacity and improve accessibility and navigation of services and to meet the needs of SMVF.  It is responsible to manage and monitor long-term goals with a strategic perspective.

2024 New Hampshire's Veterans Snapshot


MLT Legislative Mandate - 2019 Senate Bill 208

The MLT shall serve in an advisory capacity and shall provide advice and guidance to the adjutant general regarding the delivery of services to Veterans and military Service Members in New Hampshire. The MLT shall choose a chairman, vice-chairman, and a secretary from their membership. The team may, by a majority vote of its members, adopt bylaws governing the management and operation of the team. The military leadership team shall consist of the following

I. The Adjutant General or his designated representative.
II. The Director of the Division of Veterans Services.
III. The members of the Veterans Council.
IV. The Administrator of the Division of Community Based Military Programs.
V. Representatives of organizations which provide services to Veterans and military Service Members in New Hampshire, appointed by the Adjutant General.
VI. Members of the private sector who have an interest in serving Service Members, Veterans and their families.
VII. A family member of veteran or currently serving member of the Armed Forces.


The MLT will meet quarterly. Meetings are in person.


Warren Perry, Deputy Adjutant General, NH Department of Military Affairs & Veterans Services

Kevin Forrest, Director of VA Medical Center, Manchester, NH


Brenton K. Fraser, Director, Division of Community Based Military Programs



For more information about the Military Leadership Team or its meetings, please contact either of the Co-Chairs or the Facilitator.


Meeting Minutes

NH Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services

Office Hours 8:00am-4:00pm
Telephone 603-225-1200